Sunday, January 22, 2012

“I deserve a bonus…for making it through the week without stabbing someone with a fork”

“I deserve a bonus…for making it through the week without stabbing someone with a fork”

My Mom sent me this saying this week which sums up the week perfectly! We got a HUGE snowstorm and once again, we had school! I HATE driving to work on icy roads. It scares me to death. It also scares me thinking of my kids driving in it.



We had to shovel and I am more irritated than ever that we don’t have a snow blower. Everyone else on our street has one. The kids went out to shovel but didn’t last long, so I went out and shoveled for an hour an a half and was quickly reminded why I hate winter and how old im getting. Oh, my aching back! The cool thing about my new camera is I can now get close up shots from INSIDE the house. So much better!






We did have a bullying incident that happened to Tyler this week. My inner mama bear came out in full force like never before. Im always surprised at that instinctive protective instinct to guard our children. He is doing much better now and he will have his new glasses this week. I think he looks pretty sharp.

Speaking of which, I am SO proud of him for getting up with me every day at 5am to workout with no complaints. This week he finally got to see some progress and was so excited. He is getting stronger with more endurance. Plus, we gave him a cool haircut and with that, his workout watch and his his new pfiten, he says he has upped his cool factor by 80%! Supposedly it keeps him on “balance”.


Oh, and we finally got to see “Rise of the Planet of the Apes” and we loved it!


CinnaPatty said...

This is funny! You must have posted right after I read the previous post! Yes, after last winter we said "we will put money aside now because we will NOT pass another winter without a blower"

The boys still shovel but wow, what a body and time saver that blower is!!!!!!!

The Borden Family said...

Looking at that snow ...we may not come til all of it's gone. I don't know how you do it.

Utah- Part 4