Sunday, October 13, 2013

Oh how I continue to love my job!

This week was homecoming week and yes, even I dressed up.  You can see pics of the students on my blog, which by the way is almost up to 2,000 views!!

Character day: (with my para Lisa)


I am actually a Superwoman in real life right?….


Hawaiian day:


Panana Game Day (we supported Staff team Camo):


You can see all the teams competing in the egg toss.  They had to put oil on their hands- it was pretty funny Smile


I even made the school newspaper (even though the person who interviewed me got most of the info incorrect.  Oh well)


Now for the crazy story of the week.  You wont believe me, but its true!!!The door slammed in our library and a kid said, “Huh….my finger just fell off.”  Lisa (my para)ran over like a beast and sure enough his finger came off!!!!!!  It was the top finger joint on the middle finger.  She grabbed him and raced him to the front office where they got him immediately to the hospital.  When she got back, a teacher opened the door and the finger fell on the floor.  One of the other teachers picked it up.  Gross!!!  They weren’t able to attach it, but he was back in the next day and put a sign in our library to be careful with the door cause you may lose a finger.  He's a great kid!  But I must say I really hope not to ever see something like that in my library again…


Heres a pic of his group so you can see more of my library…


Sunday, October 06, 2013

Homecoming, Marching, and a Major Storm

Kayla went to Homecoming last night with Barak from our stake.  She looked so beautiful.





Tyler marched in the homecoming games as well as the Marching Invitational on Saturday in which Linn-Mar took 1st place!!


We had one of our major Iowa storms again.  Once again, the trampoline was flipped but thank goodness it didn’t injure the fence again.  I cant say the same for Bob…




We even made homemade granola bars.


Sunday, September 29, 2013

Marching, Cali, and Apples, oh my!

Marching Band Festival

Tyler’s marching band competed in 2 competitions yesterday. He says his legs feel like Jell-O!


(2nd from the left)


(Center- a little to the left)

Reassignment to Los Angeles California!

For those who don’t know, Marisa’s Visa still hasn’t arrived, so she has been reassigned to Los Angeles, California and Torrance (where we lived for 5 years) is in the mission! She is very excited about it all and we are excited for her. (We are especially glad we don’t have to send warm clothes!)


She also had the privilege of singing in the LDS Women’s broadcast from the tabernacle in Salt Lake City. Special thanks to Nina for getting a picture!

Photo: Great job Marisa Hart singing with the MTC choir at the RS Women's broadcast last night!

Guess who got asked to Homecoming?

Kayla got asked to Homecoming by Barak (a boy in our stake). I got a picture of the card but not the cute brownie cake that went along with it. Thank goodness she found a dress the 1st night of shopping! She has been working almost 30 hours a week so we never see her and she doesn’t have much time for dress shopping. Hopefully it will be a very fun night for her!


Dogs and Viola

After much debate, Alayna quit viola. I guess she felt the need to concentrate on homework, sports, and choir. She also spent the weekend watching the neighbor’s dogs again. They just put up their house for sale. I guess they are buying a new one about an hour away.


We picked the apples off the golden delicious trees and literally filled 16 boxes! Crazy! We hope to get a press and make apple juice and some other assorted fun things next weekend.


Library Stuff

The 1st exciting news is that my awesome brother got an autographed picture of Snake Eyes for me at Comic-Con! I almost passed out! It’s sad though how many people don’t know who he is. He is awesomeness, that’s who he is!


Some incredible things have been going on in the libraries again this week! I hope some of you are following the blog as that gives you almost daily updates on what I am up to.

1. I am creating a murder mystery for the high school students to come do using the resources in the library. (Made a scavenger hunt for middle school).


2. Had a teacher come say she had tons and tons and tons of boxes of books in her basement and do I want them? Yes I do!!

3. Last year in September, only 57 books got checked out, this year we have already crossed over 300!!! That is 6x the checkouts from last year.

4. On Friday, a lady came in looking for the Media Specialist and I told her that was me. She runs the public library in Anamosa and said, “I just HAD To come meet you!! Everyone is talking about you and what an incredible difference you are making in both schools! They said you have gotten all these new books and have so much enthusiasm and you inspire them to check out!” I was so excited!!

5. A student came in and said they had 1 cookie left from their FCS class and he wanted to give it to me (he is the same one from weeks ago who hadn’t read a book since 4th grade til I got him hooked on Ashfall.) I was touched.

6. My blog has had almost 1,500 page views!

So, all is well and better than I could have hoped for.

Sunday, September 22, 2013

An apple a day…

It is crazy to think that last spring we experienced a frost and had NO apples and this year we have what I would call an overabundance of apples.  We are feeling truly blessed in so many ways.  Yesterday, with all honey crisp apples we made: 2 apple pies, 12 mini apple pies, 7 jars of canned apple filling and we have been using a dehydrator to dehydrate about 6 apples a day and you wouldn’t believe how flavorful they are!






Yesterday Tyler and Kayla took the ACT and then had a stake activity the rest of the day up in Cedar Falls.


Picture of the bird Alayna saw on our fence…


Things continue to be amazing at work!  Although I am pretty sure I am running myself into the ground so I need to slow down.  One teacher asked me to stay a little later on Thursdays to do my presentations for them because she said she cant do it like I do and somehow I ignite students.  I love that.  Another teacher was shocked when one of her students came right up to me to check out Legend.  She said, “I could have stood on my head naked and recommended the book and would have gotten no results”.  I got an autographed copy of Ashfall.  Long story.  I got new graphic novels for the high school too.  I wish I could keep the high school coming in and motivated.  The middle school has been going like crazy!  Again, exhausted, but I sure do love it!


Sunday, September 15, 2013

Where did all these apples come from?

We did have another super busy week.  We have apples coming like crazy now.  Bob made some dried apples and next week we will make apple pies, apple butter, and can apple pie filling.  This is the result of only 1 tree.  We are feeling very blessed!




(Kayla on the right, Tyler on a ladder grabbing the tall ones)


Army crawling through the mud with joy

Army crawling through the mud with joy

This week I was reminded of the mud run that I did this summer. I vividly remember one particular obstacle where we had to army crawl under a very low net in a mud pit. It was a tight fit and my bobby pins kept getting stuck in the net above. It took all the energy I had to propel my body through that really thick mud, but I was so happy. I was with great friends, enjoying a beautiful day, and I was able to track my success through each obstacle.

(I am 3rd from the right)

In my new job, I feel very much this same way. I guess in some ways I hoped that my fibro would say, “Yeah! You got a job you love and flourish in. Now I won’t hurt you anymore.” But, it doesn’t work that way. I have still be overwhelmed, beyond exhausted, and the fibro pain has intensified. BUT I am so happy and just love what I am doing! For the first time in many years people are complimenting me, noticing me, and I can actually, physically see the difference I am making and that means the world to me.

I wanted to share some of the really cool things that have happened this week:

1. A comment left on my blog by a middle school teacher: “This is so exciting! I'm having more kids wanting to check out books than I've had in 12 years teaching here.”

2. I have over 1200 page views on my school blog!

3. There’s a boy at the high school. I had recommended Ashfall to him about a week ago. He read it in a couple of days and raced in for Ashen Winter. He came in on Friday all excited because he loved it and we were talking about how we can’t stand the wait before the next book comes out. He asked me for help in finding another one. He told me he hasn’t read a book since 4th grade and he has hated reading. When I so excited about Ashfall he gave it a chance. He read those 2 books in just a week and is so excited to keep going. He said, “I knew I had to come in and ask you for the next best book!” That touched my heart!

4. From an author in Utah: “Ah, yes! I did visit with the folks at the Rattle Can Heroes booth at Comic-Con.  I loved the artwork I saw. In fact, at the end of the Con, the one thing I bought for myself was a print of the Superman poster. And yes, I would be happy to send you a set of my Hourglass Door trilogy in paperback and a copy of After Hello in hardback. I love to help out librarians and get books into the hands of kids. Let me know the address to send the books to and they’ll be on their way. (If it’s okay, I’d be happy to send along some bookmarks as well.) Thank you for all you do as a school librarian.”


5. From a high school teacher: “In case you haven't heard people around the building are talking about what a great job you are doing. The library looks great, new books are coming in all the time, and this newsletter is definitely a great idea. Congratz to you on such a strong start. We are lucky to have you here.”


What a difference this makes for me. After all these years, finally seeing that I can make a difference. I can’t wait to see what the rest of the year will bring. I will add here as well, that I am only talking about career difference. I have never once regretted staying at home with my children while they were young. I think that made a huge difference for me as well as for them.

Game against Waterloo West

We got to go see Tyler at the football game Friday night.  We had been experiencing a massive heat wave the past few weeks.  Friday was lovely but then, once the sun went down, the temps plummeted.  We were FREEZING through the whole game.  I am sure Tyler was grateful for that massive polyester outfit!  We were SO impressed!  He looked awesome out there!!!



(Tyler is in the center)



(making the “LM” for Linn-Mar)



Utah- Part 4