Sunday, October 23, 2011

Apples, All-State, and ALL the other stuff

Apples, All-State, and ALL the other stuff


We still have apples coming out of our ears. So, yesterday Bob borrowed a wine press from our HT and he and the kids made fresh squeezed apple juice which was to DIE for!






Marisa has been rehearsing like crazy to prepare for all state. She had auditions yesterday and made it!!! AND as a 1st violinist! Congratulations!

ALL the other stuff

•I had to work on Monday but the kids had the day off, so they came up to Jefferson to see the school and the library and meet my boss. Do you wanna know how brave my kids are?? They ALL wore their Linn-Mar apparel! Brave souls indeed! They weren’t too impressed and did say that the school is much more “ghetto” than LM which is true. We do have a resident cop and it can be a little scary, but once you truly get to know the kids and develop a relationship with them, things can change.

•Alayna started Grace Notes this week and loves it. Especially when they got to sing, “Mommy made me mash my M&Ms” as the warm up.


(She wants to be “scary bacon” for Halloween.  Psycho!)

•Kayla LOVES her new culinary basics class and got to make peanut butter cookies in class this week. I am hoping this inspires her to become our resident chef.

•Spent TONS of time dress shopping but with no luck til the last day. Marisa is determined to redeem herself from the black velvet one we got for Missy wedding. Here is a preview of the one we got Alayna for the wedding.


Library Displays

Some of the displays I’ve done at work:


(Halloween Books)


(Bulletin Board I did for Banned Books Week)


(Just “some” of the 150 books I processed, catalogued, and covered this week!  I rock!)

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Utah- Part 4