Sunday, October 02, 2011

Homecoming and Appreciating Good Health

October 2, 2011


Marisa and Kayla went to LM Homecoming yesterday. They went with a large group of girls. Bob and I bought them corsages to celebrate Marisa’s last HS Homecoming and Kayla’s 1st HS dance. They went to HuHot Mongolian Grill for dinner and spent the night at a friend’s house. They looked stunningly beautiful as always!






Recognition Night

Alayna had Activity Days Recognition Night this week. It was an indoor family picnic. Their leader shared a neat analogy as she had the girls’ line up like geese in flight and shared these neat ideas.






Tyler had another meet this week and he and his partner won 4-2. Go Tyler!




Appreciating Good Health

Ok, so my antibiotics didn’t work, so they had to call me in a new one. For the record, if any of you are with me if I’m ever in the hospital, it is YOUR job to make sure they DO NOT give me Azithromyacin because it will KILL me! I was deathly ill and I don’t ever want to feel like that again. They put me on another one and I am FINALLY feeling better after a month of being very ill. Still not 100%, but I would KILL for perfect health until the day I die. Sickness and germs are for the birds!

Loving the Library

I truly enjoy my job! It is so weird actually being excited to go to work each day. I will start my Field Experiences class in January. I’ll drag through getting this Master’s but it should be worth it. I’ve been working hard on this HUGE series project and I just love it.


(Part of display I helped with for Banned Book Week)

Tell No One

Ok, my new favorite book is called Tell No One by Harlan Coben. I found out there is a movie as well and can’t wait to see it. If you like mystery and suspense, this is a good one. I’m reading another one of his called Gone for Good but I don’t like it as much because of the language and background story.

1 comment:

The Borden Family said...

Very cute pictures of Homecoming! Love the charlie's angels shot. Great job Tyler! Tara wants lessons on how to play tennis so well. Hope you had a relaxing, healthy Conf. weekend!

Utah- Part 4