Monday, February 22, 2016

The BIG day!

One thing I wish I could have done differently for my wedding (actually there are several things) would have been to get my hair and makeup professionally done.  I had major hair issues- all my fault.  But I promised myself that for all my girls weddings, we would all go get our hair done so no one was stressed out about.  So, we started our BIG day at 7AM (after a very long day yesterday). I am so glad we did it because I think we were all happy and confident with the results.








Then we all got ready to go to the temple!


Kayla was extremely nervous, not about marrying Brandon- she was confident in that!  She was so worried she would completely pass out (like she almost did the day before).  I went to give her a hug before we went to the sealing room. I told her I loved you and she said, “If I eat a mint now will that keep me from passing out?” 

The ceremony was beautiful and so many people were in the sealing room with us!  I couldn't believe it.  My heart was so touched to see how we are all eternally linked.  It was a powerful picture!  Once he pronounced them husband and wife, Kayla visibly relaxed.  She just glowed.  She was so happy and I couldn't believe my little girl was married!

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Utah- Part 4